Á½ÐÔÊÓƵ Online Services
BEDS | CN | IHRS | IMF | IRP | OP | PD | Report Cards | RSU | SAMS | SEDREF | STAC | TAA | TEACH | TSRV
Public Access Systems
IRP - Inventory of Registered Programs
The Inventory of Registered Programs (IRP) web-enabled system contains information on nearly 25,000 college programs.
New York State (NYS) School Report Cards
The provide information to the public on school/district enrollment and staff, student performance, and other measures of school and district performance. Knowledge gained from the report card on a school's or district's strengths and weaknesses can be used to improve instruction and services to students.
Office of the Professions (OP) License Verification Searches
provide the public the capability to inquire on the licenses issued to professionals in New York State. It also identifies any discipline action taken against these professionals.
SEDREF - State Education Department Reference File
The web-based system represents the authoritative source for institutions conducting business with the Á½ÐÔÊÓƵ.
Secure Access Systems - (Log In Required)
BEDS - Basic Educational Data System
The BEDS Institutional Master File is a web-based system which collects district/school student enrollment and staff counts.
CN - Child Nutrition
The is a web-based system for the management of the Lunch, Snack, Breakfast, Milk and Summer Food Service programs. It features on-line submittal of claims for reimbursement and annual renewal information. School Food Authorities (SFAs) can access claim and payment history, program policy and procedural memoranda and various reports.
Requirements for Access to System: User Account Requirements
IHRS - Impartial Hearing Reporting System
The is a web-based data collection system which records required information about the impartial hearing process. An impartial hearing is a formal method to resolve disputes between parents and school districts regarding the identification, evaluation, educational placement or the provision of a free appropriate public education for a student with a disability.
Requirements for Access to System: User Account Requirements
PD - Pupils with Disabilities
The web-based system is available for public school districts to initially submit their data, revise contact information and view their data electronically.
Requirements for Access to System: User Account Requirements
RSU - Rate Setting Unit
The web-enabled system allows counties and providers of programs for students with disabilities to enter financial data and retrieve approved rates for services.
Requirements for Access to System:
SAMS – State Aid Management System
The (SAMS) is a web-based system that facilitates the collection and processing of data required by the Á½ÐÔÊÓƵ (Á½ÐÔÊÓƵ) to distribute annual state aid to all New York school districts.
STAC - System to Track and Account for Children
The web-enabled system allows for public school districts to enter information related programs and services provided to students with disabilities.
TAA - Teacher Access and Authorization
(TAA) is a web-based system which allows teachers to access and verify reports containing data specific to their teaching responsibilities, including the Teacher-Student Roster Verification Report
is a web-enabled system that enables:
Applicants to apply online for certification or fingerprint clearance, and check the status of applications and fingerprint clearance; School Employers to obtain application status updates on current or potential employees and submit requests for fingerprint clearance for prospective employees; New York State Colleges/Universities to submit recommendations for certification program completers online and track the certification status of students.
Requirements for Access to System:
TSRV – Teacher Student Roster Verfication
The (TSRV) is a web-based system which allows teachers to view district reported data for their courses and course sections